Year 5
Teachers – Miss Stringfellow & Mrs Hudson-Shaw
Teaching Partners – Mrs Somerset and Mrs Talents
Year 5 are working really hard to develop their Growth Mindset through perseverance, learning from
our mistakes and the power of yet. The children have set new goals for this academic year and
they’re working hard towards achieving them already.
Year 5 are learning about the Ancient Egyptians as part of their history topic this term. They will
learn about a variety of Pharaohs, Egyptian societies, Egyptian pyramids and how artefacts help us to
learn about the past. This topic theme will also thread through our English and Guided Reading
where we will write our own biographies about a chosen pharaoh and a narrative about discovering
an Egyptian tomb. In guided reading, we will be reading the Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll.
This theme will continue through their geography work after half-term as they start to focus on
rivers and the River Nile in particular. We will also be finishing off our Ancient Egypt topic work with
a trip to the Ashmolean Museum to study their Ancient Egyptian expedition.
In Science, the children are deepening their understanding of materials. They started their topic by
making their own ice-cream and by learning about thermal insulators and conductors. They will also
spend time understanding how mixtures can be separated in different ways and how some changes
are reversible and some are irreversible.
Please see our Autumn Term Topic web in the Termly News section for more information on our Year 5 curriculum!
We are really proud of the super-start that the Year 5’s have made. They have returned to school
after the summer break full of enthusiasm and the motivation to be the best they can be.
How can I help my child?
Useful Website:
Weekly News
Termly News
Class Routines
- Weekly news will be sent out via parent mail every Friday.
- Homework will be sent via parent mail and must be completed by the following Friday
- PE days are Monday with Mrs Hudson-Shaw and Wednesdau with Mr Andrews
- Please encourage your child to read at least three times per week- they will receive a hole punch in their bookmark, which over time leads to a reward.
Growth Mindset
Growth mindset is about having a positive attitude and supports being a successful learner.
Showing a growth mindset helps us face challenges, overcome failure and
be resilient. At WCP we celebrate mistakes in all subjects as we know that that can be the first attempt in learning. We discuss how our
learning behaviours contribute to be successful in school and relate this to
future ambitions. Each term we focus on a particular learning behaviour
that is linked to growth mindset and certificates are awarded to children who show these learning behaviours in school.
Autumn 1 - Hardworking
Autumn 2 - Reflective
Spring 1 - Persevering
Spring 2 - Up for a challenge
Summer 1 - Understanding of Others
Summer 2 - Curious
How can I help my child?
Check here for ways to support your child
Useful Websites
Check here for useful websites