Language Curriculum at WCPS
At WCPS we use Language Angels to deliver exciting and fully interactive French learning. The programme covers a wide variety of topics (including cross-curricular topics) with all instances of the foreign language pre-recorded using a native speaker.
Our carefully mapped out French curriculum enables children to listen to spoken language, engage in conversations, ask and answer questions related to a topic, read words and phrases and to be able to write short words and phrases and adapt these to express ideas clearly. This will allow pupils to develop a wide range of vocabulary that will prepare them for their future learning at KS3.
French Cafe at WCPS
Languages Lead Ambassador
Our Language Lead Ambassador is a linguist and an employee of Audley Travel, Witney.
Mrs Middleton, in her role as Language Ambassador, led an inspiring assembly which nurtured a love for languages and an understanding of how learning languages can broaden our cultural capital opportunities.
The children were also given the opportunity to showcase their wonderful knowledge of languages, sharing core vocabulary in French, German, Thai, Cantonese, Spanish and Welsh (to name a few!).
Our Language Pupil Ambassadors are Huldah, Anna, Archie, Kai and Zac.