Witney Community Primary School
In this section...


Our Teacher is Mrs Taylor

Our Teaching Partner's are Miss Bull, Miss Bishop, Mrs Keed and Mrs Mellin

I loved the Learning Landscape that they have crafted, offering children simplicity, choice and endless possibilities while underpinning it with a sound knowledge of child development and what it is children want and are looking for.

Greg Bottrill 

Author of the bestselling ’Can I Go And Play Now?’, ‘School of the Magic of Children’ and ‘Love Letters To Play’ and Early Year Consultant..

Welcome to Sunshine Class, the Reception Class at Witney Community Primary.

Class Charter


Happy New Year!

We have so much to look forward to in Reception in Spring 1. We will celebrate our 100 days together in a few weeks which will be a great milestone.

We have new Super 6 books and poems to dive into and will continue to learn about our school values through core texts too.

Through discovery and curiosity we will learn about things such as snow, mountains and the Arctic/Antarctic in our weekly Nature Study. In our World View/RE sessions we will learn about Lunar New Year, Nowruz and will observe the passing of the seasons as Winter finally gives way to Spring.

We continue to have daily phonics and maths meetings and children will become more confident with reading simple words and captions, as well as continuing to rehearse their set 1 sounds and blending. Through phonics, Drawing Club, Helicopter stories and cake plans there will be plenty of opportunities to write /mark make and observe modelled examples.

As always the children have many opportunities for creativity and expressive arts, they will be introduced to the work of Piet Mondrian and create alongside our resident artist Felicity Longo.

As always we also tap into the interests of the children and are excited to see where they take us.

We look forward to sharing this wonderful term with you all.

Weekly News

Termly News

Mystery Reader

In Sunshine Class we look forward to  our Mystery Readers. A mystery reader can be anyone, and auntie, granny, grandad, dad or brother. When they come they get to read a book of their choosing to a small group of children. It’s a great way to show the value we put on books and the love for them that adults have.

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Class Routines

  • Ask Me sheet goes home each Friday with some ideas of ways to consolidate the learning of the week

  • All activities from the Ask Me sheet can be shared at any point the following week via Dojo or our class email.

  • Friday is PE OR Forest Friday. Children come to school in PE kits. Each week one half of the class goes to Forest Friday ( outdoor learning) and the other half do PE. The following week they swap. 

  • Reading books are changed on Mondays. Children take home a quality picture book from our class selection and a class reader as and when appropriate. Class readers/blending books need to be read 3 times as a minimum over the week. First time for decoding, second time for comprehension and third for fluency. 

  • Tuesday is Toast Tuesday. 


Growth Mindset

Yeti Ned 


Growth mindset is about having a positive attitude and supports being a successful learner.

Showing a growth mindset helps us face challenges, overcome failure and
be resilient. At WCP we celebrate mistakes in all subjects as we know that that can be the first attempt in learning. We discuss how our
learning behaviours contribute to be successful in school and relate this to
future ambitions. Each term we focus on a particular learning behaviour
that is linked to growth mindset and certificates are awarded to children who show these learning behaviours in school.

Autumn 1 - Hardworking

Autumn 2 - Reflective

Spring 1 - Persevering

Spring 2 - Up for a challenge

Summer 1 - Understanding of Others

Summer 2 - Curious

Reception Super Six

Reading Tree / Recommended Reads

Year R Challenge Reading Tree

Books for WCPS values EYFS

Books for WCPS values EYFS V2

Forest School Fridays

Forest Friday’s are a favourite day of the week in Reception. The children have been enjoying spending time in our wildlife area, climbing trees, building dens, working collaboratively and noticing the wildlife and living things around them. 


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We Love Books in Reception

We love books in Reception and have at least two story times daily as a class. One of our absolute favourite authors is Nadia Shireen and so we were thrilled to have a virtual author visit with her. As well as reading one of her stories to us, talking about her books and being an author and illustrator, Nadia taught us to draw one of her characters called Fat Cat. 

It was a really inspiring session and the art work produced was fabulous. Check out our Instagram reel here 


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Reception Super Six Poetry Basket

Reception SUPER SIX Poetry Basket

Page Downloads Date  
Elgs guide for parents 07th Nov 2022 Download
Vocabulary Progression Rec 16th May 2023 Download
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